
Are you passionate about the protection of nature? Do you love beach walks? Did you know that the Mediterranean Sea is one of the most polluted seas worldwide and is a hot spot for plastic pollution?

Ever thought about Adopting a beach in a loose network of likeminded nature lovers, supporting each other but at the same time enjoying the freedom of choosing your own time and your favorite place?! Well, now’s your chance to become a Beachfluencer and part of a new initiative under the Keep Our Sand and Sea Plastic Free (KOSSPF) Project!

The Keep our Sand and Sea Plastic Free Project aims to bring together tourists, tourism businesses and residents to cut consumption of single-use plastic in coastal regions so that less plastic ends up in the sea reducing plastic pollution.

The project is part of TUI Care Foundation’s Destination Zero Waste Programme, and is implemented in partnership with the Cyprus Sustainable Tourism Initiative (CSTI). It seeks new ways to reduce and reuse waste which create jobs and promote a circular economy in Cyprus.

Please read more information on our website or follow us on  Facebook and Instagram.

The Beachfluencer is an initiative of the KOSSPF Project that wants to create a network of passionate volunteers.  

 ‘KOSSPF Beachfluencers’ with a presence on the beaches of our island. This way we will raise awareness for the issue of marine pollution with focus on plastic waste and create the understanding that we can all be part of the change.

Are you ready for this?

If yes, then….

                   …Act now and become a Beachfluencer or Sponsor the Initiative

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